Surf and Paddle Surf rent

Paddle surf rent in Toranda beach

monitor llanes surf aventura, escuela de surf

During July and August, you can enjoy paddle surfing on Toranda Beach in Niembru.

Toranda is perfect for practicing this sport for both initiation and experts as it has very calm, crystal clear waters and in a wonderful enclave.

In Toranda you will find one of our monitors that will give you a small explanation of how to do Paddle Surf and give you safety tips so you can enjoy Paddle Surf without any problem. He’ll be watching you from his position at the top of the beach, so you don’t have any problems.


The duration of the class is two hours and includes all equipment, surfboard, wet suit, lycra, leash and liability insurance and accident insurance.

Every day the monitors of our surf school, will choose the beach that has the best conditions for each level, depending on the sea conditions and the level of the group. Surf lessons will be taught by qualified and experienced monitors.

Don’t wait any longer! Call and HAVE FUN!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anais Iglesias


    Me gustaría inscribirme en clases de surf para dos personas (principiantes).

    Se podrá empezar hoy?

    1. surfllanes

      Hola, para las reservas con poco tiempo de antelación lo mejor es enviar un whatsapp, un saludo

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